Integrated circuits, inductors, transistors, LEDs, capacitors, resistors, etc., are some of the most common electronic components you can find in today’s market. If you are using equipment that dry, pick place, and assemble these electronic components, you may be pleased to know that Airtech Vacuum Incorporated carries a great array of industrial vacuum pumps and compressors. You can rest assured that they are designed for printed circuit board production and more!

About the Electronics Industry

Companies that provide electronics manufacturing services (EMS) usually distribute, test, manufacture, design, and provide repair/return services for electronic assemblies and components for OEMs (original equipment manufacturers). Critical processes that are sensitive to particle contaminants in the electronics industry include:

  • Testing
  • Component placement
  • Paste Printing
  • Reflow
  • PWB separation, conveying, and unloading

If the issue of particle contaminants is not addressed, they can further aggravate functional and visual quality problems. That’s why compressed air is needed to clean and dry electronic components.

Common Applications for the Electronics Industry

  • 3BA High Pressure Regenerative Blowers
  • 3BA1500 Vacuum/Pressure Regenerative Blowers
  • 3BA1600 Vacuum/Pressure Regenerative Blowers
  • 3BA1630 Vacuum/Pressure Regenerative Blowers
  • 3BA1830 Vacuum/Pressure Regenerative Blowers
  • 3BA7520 Vacuum/Pressure Regenerative Blowers
  • … and more!

Why Choose Airtech Vacuum Incorporated for Electronics Applications?

At Airtech Vacuum Incorporated, you can count on our team to help you find economical and durable vacuum and pressure solutions for the electronics industry. We are CSA-certified and ISO9001-2008 certified, and that’s why we possess a long history of application and product know-how.

Feel free to browse through our inventory today or even schedule a personal consultation from our knowledgeable engineers!