Do you want to increase your maple sap production? Look no further than Airtech Vacuum Incorporated to give you a helping hand! We are offering a stellar range of vacuum pumps and other related equipment that can be used to improve maple syrup extraction processes.

About The Maple Syrup: Sap Extraction Industry

Maple syrup is a type of syrups that’s made from the xylem sap of black maple, red maple, or sugar maple trees. Maple trees thrive in cold climates and the climate allows them to store starch in their roots and trunks. The starch is needed as it will be converted to sugar, which rises in the sap in early spring and late winter.

To create concentrated syrup, the exuded sap must be collected from the trunks of maple trees. One of the most common equipment used for maple syrup extraction is sap pullers and pumps. This type of equipment allows maple sap producers to move sap from tank to tank or tank to storage units. When it comes to sap puller equipment, one must ensure that they are using products that do not contain any copper. Copper is known to be toxic to plants. In addition, you would want to avoid using equipment that allows ice to build up overnight.

Whether you are a large or small maple syrup producer, you have certainly come to the right place for industry-leading maple syrup sap extraction pumps.

Why Choose Airtech Vacuum Incorporated For Maple Syrup: Sap Extraction?

Airtech Vacuum Incorporated is a trusted place to purchase reliable and high quality sap puller pumps that are perfectly suited for maple syrup extraction and production. When you shop at Airtech, you can rest assured that you are procuring products that are constructed from FDA-approved materials. All components of our products are safe to be in direct contact with syrup products. As our pumps also exceed 29” mercury, you may be pleased that our products are designed to significantly increase sap yield. In addition, Airtech pumps can be operated outdoors and are rated for 100% use factor.

Built with the finest materials, Airtech pumps are made to last and require minimal maintenance. Airtech Vacuum Incorporated was established in 1982 and are ISO9001-2008, UL-, CE-, RoHS-, and CSA-certified. Our team continually strives to serve our clients in the maple syrup industry with unparalleled technology and impeccable customer service. If you can’t find a specific product from our inventory, do not fret as we also provide top-notch custom engineering solutions for vacuum and pump technologies.

If you want to source for long lasting maple syrup sap extraction pumps and accessories, start browsing through our inventory today!